Benefits for Grid Efficient Buildings

Energy savings from insulation upgrades can reduce natural gas use by 118 billion therms across the U.S. industrial sector and help reduce demand on the electric grid as electrification technologies roll out.

Buildings account for more than 70 percent of U.S. electricity consumption and the power sector CO2 emissions. By combining energy efficiency and demand flexibility, grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) can remake buildings into a clean and flexible resource.

As part of the effort to electrify America’s building stock to reduce carbon emissions, the U.S. Department of Energy produced a roadmap for GEBs. GEBs are energy efficient buildings with smart technologies to optimize energy use for grid services, occupant preferences, climate mitigation, and cost reductions in a continuous and integrated way.

ICF Analysis Finds Upgraded Insulation Benefits Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings

DOE’s roadmap did not note or encourage the use of the current model code thermal envelope. NAIMA sought to learn if insulation could provide benefits to GEBs and commissioned ICF to analyze how insulation could play a role in GEBs. The analysis found that improved insulation levels can work together with GEB technologies to achieve cost-effective peak savings, particularly within single-residential homes, where insulating to the thermal performance levels of the 2021 IECC would be cost effective and reduce peak demand in residential buildings when compared with insulating to the 2009 IECC.

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NAIMA is the association for North American manufacturers of fiber glass, rock wool, and slag wool insulation products. Its role is to promote energy efficiency and environmental preservation through the use of fiber glass, rock wool, and slag wool insulation, and to encourage the safe production and use of these materials. Through the Insulation Institute™, we leverage the collective insulation expertise of our organization and our members to empower homeowners and professionals to make informed insulation choices. Our mission is to enable a more comfortable, energy-efficient and sustainable future through insulation — and we are constantly working with building professionals, homeowners, government agencies, and public interest, energy and environmental groups to realize that vision.

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